Monday, January 31, 2011

Top Fashion Model Jessica White biography and photogallery

Jessica White biography: 


Rarely do we hear of the girl who gets saved by modeling.

Residence: New York, NY, US 

Hometown: Buffalo, NY, US

Height: 5'11"

Eye Color: Brown

Date of Birth: June 21, 1984

Agency: Elite 

Campaigns: Chloe, Maybelline, Tommy Hilfiger, and Gap 

We've all heard the woeful tales of young girls falling prey to the hard-partying ways of some who inhabit the world of modeling. on the odd occasion however, do we hear of the girl who gets saved by modeling. Such was the case for Jessica White. In her hometown of Buffalo, New York, at the age of 13, the young beauty was head for trouble until scouts discovered her and whisked her off to the City of Lights.

In Paris, White signed with the important IMG agency, and in superstar fashion landed a contract with cover up Girl and fronted campaigns for Chloé and Gap. Jessica also attracted world-class photographers and grace the pages of Harper's Bazaar, Teen Vogue, and Sports Illustrated's swimming suit edition. White holds the distinction of being the first black woman to appear in the issue for three consecutive years. 

Jessica White photogallery: 

Sunny Leone

Top Fashion Model Karen Elson biography and photogallery

Karen Elson biography:

Nicknamed “Le Freak” by the media because of her shaved-off eyebrows, striking red hair, and white skin, “odd” has been Karen Elson’s hallmark. A true original, Karen is a Vogue favorite and a muse to Steven Meisel. 

Residence: Nashville, TN

Hometown: Lancashire, England

Height: 5'10"

Eye Color: Blue 

Agency: Women Model Management 

Campaigns: Balenciaga, Banana Republic, BCBG Max Azria, Burberry, Celine, Chanel, Christian Dior, Clinique, DKNY, Donna Karan, Eres, Escada, Giorgio Armani, Givenchy, Gucci , Louis Vuitton, Max Mara, Moschino, Prada, Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent, Gap, Jean Paul Gaultier, PHI, TSE, Versace, St. John 
Karen Elson photogallery: 

Tori Black Video HD

Tori Black HD
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Friday, January 28, 2011

ICE: "Sham" University, Cover For Illegals

By Claudia Cowan - FoxNews

Officials with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) say every year, they bust hundreds of schools that served as fronts for illegal immigration operations, leaving thousands of foreign nationals who've paid tuition in exchange for a student visa in the lurch, while the head of the "school" often winds up forfeiting property, or, behind bars.

The latest example appears to come from the San Francisco Bay Area: Tri-Valley University based in Pleasanton. Federal prosecutors say it wasn't a school at all- rather an elaborate scheme to defraud the government, and perhaps the biggest scam of its kind.

Open since 2008, TVU's website touts on-line classes in engineering, medicine, and law, and a faculty list of more than 50 highly educated professionals. But those we contacted said they'd never seen the school, or taught a class. Many had no idea their names were on the site, which is peppered with numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes ("Now you graduate, we would like to hear from you, about life and how the study at TVU and the degree do to your career, not just your million dollar donation!").

ICE officials noticed enrollment nearly tripled in a matter of months to over 1,500 students- almost all from the same region of India, and each paying $5,400 per semester to the schools founder, Susan Su.

Court documents say "since its inception, Tri-Valley University has been a "sham" university which Su, and others, have used to facilitate foreign nationals in illegally acquiring student immigration status that authorizes them to remain in the United States."

In a raid last week, ICE agents seized computers and other evidence from four properties allegedly bought with millions in tuition money, including the school's main office building, a converted condo, and a luxury home owned by Su.

She says the school is for real, and denies any wrongdoing. "Make millions dollars-- that is true," she says in her broken English. "You talk about our income, but we do not do cheating, we suppose to be right. This is the standard we charge, with so many students, we never forced anybody to sign up with us."

But in a government sting operation, Su was caught giving F-1 student visas to undercover agents posing as foreign nationals, who told her they wanted to come to the U.S, but had no intention of attending classes.

According to the court filings, the university listed the same address - a single apartment in the Silicon Valley city of Sunnyvale - for nearly all the students. The fact that none were actually living there was a clear attempt, officials say, to conceal the fact that few, if any TVU students lived in California at all. It's believed most were working in other states, and are now scrambling to either transfer to another school, or get a valid visa to stay here. It's likely that many-possibly up to a thousand- Indian nationals will be deported.

As for Susan Su, the government just wants to seize her property for now. But criminal charges, including immigration fraud and money laundering, could be next.

A couple of tunes from Jon Butcher this evening...

Some Random Hotness this evening...

Revolution is in the air but US sticks to same old script

This is a scorching criticism of obama and his administration. I only hope the author of this article understands that the majority of the American people are even more sick of the weakness this administration displays than the rest of the world. The United States should always maintain a position of strength and support for our allies, which is impossible while bowing to every tyrant and dictator on the planet.

In the past, before obama, our Country has always been supportive of those fighting for their freedom. The administration may be a bunch of wimps, but the Citizens of the United States aren't...

The Sydney Morning Herald

Washington appears addicted to propping up tyrants, writes Paul McGeough.

Events in the Middle East are moving too fast for the Obama administration to think it can get away with Plan A and Plan B reaction strategies according to the regimes or leaders it wants to keep in and out of power.

Consider the response of the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to Hezbollah tightening its grip on power in Lebanon this week - Washington might have to pull its funding worth hundreds of millions for Lebanon, her office warned.

Advertisement: Story continues below But as democracy demonstrators were confronted by thousands of baton-wielding policemen in the streets in Cairo, there was no mention of pulling the $US2 billion-plus cheque that Washington writes for the octogenarian President, Hosni Mubarak, each year.

Instead, a rhetorical nugget that Mubarak's mouthpieces would use in their defence - ''our assessment is that the Egyptian government is stable'' and then some namby-pamby words about how Mubarak was ''looking for ways to respond to the legitimate needs and interests of the Egyptian people''.

That response came on Wednesday - more thugs in and out of uniform in the streets, more tear-gas and 860 more young Egyptians banged up in prison because, Oliver-like, they had the audacity to stand in the streets and to ask for more. Such is stability.

Undaunted, Clinton tried again on Wednesday, when she called on the Egyptian authorities to cease blocking the communications on which the demonstrators relied. But on Thursday the Twitter and Facebook websites were inaccessible and mobile-phone users in Cairo said that it was difficult or impossible to sent text messages.

Clinton uttered the ''stability'' line early in the week - before the seriousness of what is unfolding in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria came in to focus. Consider how it might be interpreted by ordinary Egyptians - the human rights of 80 million people have been trampled for 30 years but what the US Secretary of State is most concerned about is the stability of the state.

And, even as the focus sharpened, the administration refused to tell the truth about the despot upon whom Washington relies - ''Egypt is a strong ally,'' the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, replied when asked if the administration still supported Mubarak.

And, in a week in which the Middle East's historic self-started wave of democracy protests came to a head, Barack Obama might have used his State of the Union address to cheer along all the protesters; and perhaps to warn all the leaders, country by country, of the fate that awaits them.

Instead he confined his specific remarks to Tunisia, saying: ''The United States of America stands with the people of Tunisia and supports the democratic aspirations of all people.'' So, in a region of 333 million people, where to varying degrees a good 325 million are under the heel of unelected leaders, the US President addressed only little Tunisia.

The lame excuse offered to reporters was that Cairo erupted late in the drafting process of the speech but that last ''aspirations of all people'' phrase was a recognition that ''what happens in Tunisia resonates around the world''.

By current American thinking it would never do to have Islamists in power in the Palestinian Occupied Territories or in Lebanon and therefore they heed every despot's warning that the Islamists are waiting in the wings across North Africa and the Middle East.

But lost in the lunge to protect US strategic and commercial interests by propping up the region's dictator class is any realisation that that support is what leaves the youth of the region under-educated and under-employed and, thereby, ripe for the picking by Islamist and other underground movements.

In Tunisia the revolutionaries are still searching for a leader who can articulate their demands. And this week a leader flew in to Cairo - searching for a revolution. That was the former International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, whose return to Egypt underscores a challenge brought on across the region as much by the local community as the international community - the grooming of those who might form a half-decent opposition.

Tracing an arc through Obama's approach to the Middle East, the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies professor Fouad Ajami described the President's foreign policy pragmatism as ''a break of faith with democracy''.

Alluding to the suppression of demonstrations in Tehran after the contested 2009 presidential election, he wrote in Lebanon's Daily Star: ''American diplomacy was not likely to alter the raw balance of power between the regime and its democratic oppositionists. But the timidity of American power and the refusal of the Obama administration to embrace the cause of the opposition must be reckoned one of American foreign policy's great moral embarrassments.''

The Mubarak machine's contempt for popular aspirations and whatever the US might think of them was on full display yesterday when Safwat el-Sherif, the head of the ruling National Democratic Party, feigned obliviousness to the reality of political power in Egypt as he lectured the protesters - ''democracy has its rules and process - the minority does not force its will on the majority''.

Abdel Moneim Said, a stooge government-appointed publisher, echoed Hillary Clinton's midweek ''stability'' comment when he told reporters: ''I can't think of anybody that I know that has any concern about the stability of the regime.''

Finding the right policy mix to influence events without being accused of interfering is a fine balance that some observers have concluded eludes the Obama administration.

''It's about identifying the US too closely with these changes and thereby undermining them; and not finding ways to nurture them enough,'' Aaron David Miller, of the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, told The New York Times.

Meanwhile, observers on the ground in the region shake their heads. ''People want moral support,'' said Shadi Hamid, of the Brookings Doha Centre. ''They want to hear words of encouragement - right now they don't have that. They feel the world doesn't care and is working against them.''

His point seems to be this: it is time Washington thought in terms of investing in people in the region, not in dictators.

Vigilant Defense

Read this, it's good stuff. T.L. Davis makes some very good points, as usual. We have the right to disagree with our government. We have a right to protest.

Our Founding Fathers risked everything to free us from our oppressors. In the eyes of their government, they were criminals. But they saw the promise that this Country offered. They fought, against all odds, to attain that promise. They laid out a roadmap for this Country. Somewhere along that map we veered from the true path. We were led astray by our own inattention. We have allowed our Country to be steered by fringe groups that have their own interests at heart, and care nothing for the good of our Nation.

It is past time for us to use our rights to protest, to take a stand, to take our Country back from the thieves. If we wait much longer, we won't have a Country to take back...

By T.L. Davis - Guardians of Liberty

There is one irrefutable fact: I was born in America and I was born with rights given to me by God and recognized by the Constitution of the United States of America. There is no question as to the veracity of that statement, but to atheists they might consider that their rights come from nature. Each is free to believe what they will as long as they recognize that rights are not privileges, conditional luxuries or rewards for good behavior. Also, however, rights are not self-enforcing; they are the product of vigilant defense.

What does that mean? It means that every time they pass a restricting gun law or speech law and you do nothing about it, you verify the legitimacy of it. We see in Tunisia and Egypt the result of injustice, but not here in America. I know, you are but one person against a whole government, what can you do? If there were a protest, you would join. If there were a riot, you would engage. Hmmmm.

Here is the doctrine of 1x1x1. You are an individual, you are 1. You can do 1 act as a means of rebellion against that law. You can produce 1 outcome from your act.

This is minor. This is the start. This is the very least you could do. It is anonymous, perhaps even spontaneous, but better if well planned for effect. Look around your AO, what is vulnerable, what is a message that can be sent as protest? If you demand to act as an individual, then for God's sake, act! Here is your chance, embrace the doctrine of 1x1x1.

There are those of us who are willing to stick our necks out, to break laws if necessary, it is an American tradition. Sitting at the "white" counter was breaking the municipal codes, it was breaking the law. Any law, in contravention of the Constitution, is no law and since the government will not enforce the Constitution, it is itself illegal. There is not one representative, or senator alive who has sworn to uphold the Constitution who is not right now in violation of the law. To obey a law handed down by an illegal government to restrict the liberties issued by God is no sin and it is not illegal. But, even if it were, you have that right as an American as a form of protest. Throwing tea into Boston Harbor was an illegal act committed by criminals against a legal authority, yet it inspired those jealous of their rights to act. Today, that act is revered for its inspiration to form a new government, one that now has forgotten the lessons of those times.

What is the price of our inaction? $14 trillion of debt and counting. The futures of our children. Lost liberty (a value incalculable through the avenue of price). The violations of our sovereignty, our borders, our security and our rights. That ain't much, why all those things are trivial to the comfort of yourself as a "law-abiding" citizen. The trains were full of "law-abiding" citizens and the streets ran with the blood of the righteous. What else would an illegal government bent on the subjugation of its people do?

Rep. Moran: Dems Lost Because Many 'Don't Want to Be Governed by an African-American'

I belong to no group, I am my own man. I don't care if the president is black (or half black), white, brown, yellow or even purple. What I do care about is his ability to do the job, the job as it is described in the Constitution of the United States of America.

I am more qualified to be president than obama. I have run a business, met a payroll, hired and fired. I have worked hard all my life to care for the ones I love. No one has ever given me anything. Everything I have I earned. I care more about this Nation and the ideal of this Nation than life itself. Yet, I would never presume to be presidential.

The reasons I rail against obama and his corrupt administration have NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. He is not only unqualified, his beliefs do not mesh with those that the Founding Fathers of this great Country risked everything for. obama believes that we should all be cared for by the government wether we want it or not. A cradle to grave entitlement society kills the American spirit. Taking from those who have worked hard all their lives to care for people to lazy to care for themselves goes against everything most people in this Country stand for.

obama wishes us to become another third world nation. A few wealthy people at the top, millions and millions of poor people at the bottom, and nothing in the middle. And all those millions depending on the government for their every need.

jim moran is attempting to stir up a controversy. He has nothing to base this claim on, he has no evidence to back it up. If he truly wants to view racism, he needs to look no farther than obama and eric holder. The two of them have succeeded in setting race relations back 30 years. There are probably those who have seen the racism exhibited by holder and obama and are angered by it, but I would guess many of them don't vote.

The election in November was a direct reflection of the policies obama has forced on us in the two years he has been in office. No matter how loud we spoke, he and nancy pelosi and harry reid refused to hear us. They pursued their radical agenda to their own peril. We spoke in a different way in November, we voted out many of the people who betrayed our trust. In 2012 we will vote out more of them. We will keep voting them out until those we elect hear what we are saying.

We don't want to be a socialist nation. We don't want to have the government intrude into every part of our lives. We want to go to work, enjoy our families, live our lives and be free...

From FoxNews

Virginia Democratic Rep. Jim Moran is blaming his party's losses last November in large part on voters who "don't want to be governed by an African-American."

The comments were made following President Obama's State of the Union speech Tuesday during an interview with Arab network Alhurra. Asked about the results of the midterm elections, the Virginia congressman compared the political environment to that which preceded the Civil War and suggested race was a determining factor.

"It happened ... for the same reason the Civil War happened in the United States," Moran said. "Southern states, particularly the slaveholding states, didn't want to see a president who was opposed to slavery.

"In this case a lot of people in this country, it's my belief, don't want to be governed by an African-American, particularly one who is inclusive, who is liberal, who wants to spend money on everyone and who wants to reach out to include everyone in our society. And that's a basic philosophical clash," Moran said.

Moran attributed his party's opposition to an "uneasiness" with President Obama, saying the criticism comes from a "selfish and close-minded perspective."

Reached for comment, Moran's office stood by the remarks.

"With nearly 1,000 identified hate groups in the U.S. and recent studies showing a majority of Americans believe racism is still widespread against African-Americans, it is no secret that our country has and continues to struggle with racial equality," spokeswoman Anne Hughes said in an e-mail. "The congressman was expressing his frustration with this problem and the role it played in the last election. Rather than ignore this issue or pretend it isn't there, the congressman believes we are better off discussing it in order to overcome it."

Top Fashion model Chanel Iman biography and photogallery

Chanel Iman biography:

Chanel moved swiftly into the fashion game. She's already a muse for Phillip Lim, has walked for the likes of Marc Jacobs and Dolce & Gabbana, and counts Tyra Banks as a mentor. She was named one of the top supermodels of 2007 by Vogue.

Residence: New York, NY, US

Hometown: Atlanta, GA, US

Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: Brown

Date of Birth: December 1, 1990

Agency: IMG
Campaigns: Bottega Veneta, DKNY, Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Gap, Jean Paul,
Gaultier,  DSquared2  
Charities: ONEXONE 

 Chanel Iman photogallary:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A couple of Rush tunes this evening...

10 states now developing eligibility-proof demands

Uh oh, this could get ugly. Maybe it's a waste of time for obama to begin campaigning and raising money. But then, maybe he has people figuring a way around this obstacle too. He seems to have a knack for disregarding the rules and getting away with it. I have a feeling though, that one day soon, his world will come crashing down around him. He will be caught in the web of lies he has woven with no escape...

By Bob Unruh - WorldNetDaily

107 Electoral College votes controlled by Arizona, Texas, Connecticut, others

Arizona may have the most advanced plan, but 10 of the United States – controlling 107 Electoral College votes – are now considering some type of legislation that would plug the hole in federal election procedures that in 2008 allowed Barack Obama to be nominated, elected and inaugurated without providing proof of his qualifications under the U.S. Constitution.

And they aren't all the simple legislation such as that adopted in New Hampshire a year ago that requires an affidavit from a candidate stating that the qualifications – age, residency and being a "natural born citizen" – have been met.

In Georgia, for example, HB37 by Rep. Bobby Franklin not only demands original birth-certificate documentation, it provides a procedure for and declares that citizens have "standing" to challenge the documentation.
Franklin told WND the least that leaders of the United States, on a state or federal level, can do is to follow the requirements of the law of the land.

His plan, he said, is needed because he saw "requirements in the Constitution that you don't have a code provision to ensure that it happens."

"If we as an entity of civil government don't follow the laws, then what makes us think that our citizens are going to obey anything we enact?" he said. "We need to lead by example."

According to officials with the National Conference of State Legislatures, 10 states already have some sort of eligibility-proof requirement plan.

There is Arizona's HB2544, Connecticut's SB391, Georgia's HB37, Indiana's SB114, Maine's LD34, Missouri's HB283, Montana's HB205, Nebraska's LB654, Oklahoma's SB91, SB384 and SB540, and Texas; HB295 and HB529.

Led by Texas with 34, the states control 107 Electoral College votes.

The NCLS said New Hampshire last year adopted HB1245, but it requires only a statement under penalty of perjury that a candidate meets the qualification requirements of the U.S. Constitution, which is something similar to what the political parties already state regarding their candidates.

Other plans were considered last year in Texas, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Missouri, Minnesota, Maine and Arizona, and Arizona's probably got the closest to law, falling a "pocket veto" short in the state Senate, despite widespread support.

Supreme Court: Emanuel on Chicago mayor ballot

What did I tell you? On Monday I told you that emanuel would wind up on the ballot. It's absolutley amazing that every single government institution in chicago is corrupt. Even the supreme court of the state can be bought and sold.

Rules don't apply in a place like chicago. At least not to the rich and powerful. There are still plenty of rules for the average citizen though, like being denied the right to protect themselves...

By Liam Ford and Jeff Coen - Chicago Tribune

The Illinois Supreme Court ruled today that Rahm Emanuel can stay on the ballot for mayor of Chicago.

The decision comes without a moment to spare; early voting for the Feb. 22 city election begins Monday, Jan. 31.

You can read the opinion by clicking here.

A cheer went up at Emanuel's headquarters when the news came out. The candidate was preparing to leave for tonight's debate with the three other leading contenders. But first he stopped at the Clark and Lake "el" stop to greet voters.

He shook hands with a large smile on his face, slapping the backs of commuters and posing for photographs. Some slapped his back in return.

The high court's decision reverses a 2-1 Illinois Appeals Court decision Monday that ruled Emanuel ineligible on the grounds he did not meet the requirement of being a Chicago resident for a year before the election. Emanuel returned to Chicago last fall to run for mayor after serving as White House chief of staff to President Barack Obama.

The Chicago election board and a Cook County Circuit judge had earlier both ruled Emanuel met the residency requirements. The Supreme Court unanimousy said the appellate court was in error in overruling them.

"So there will be no mistake, let us be entirely clear," the Supreme Court wrote in its ruling today. "This court’s decision is based on the following and only on the following: (1) what it means to be a resident for election purposes was clearly established long ago, and Illinois law has been consistent on the matter since at least the 19th Century; (2) the novel standard adopted by the appellate court majority is without any foundation in Illinois law; (3) the Board’s factual findings were not against the manifest weight of the evidence; and (4) the Board’s decision was not clearly erroneous."

"I can say the candidate and our camp are very pleased that this issue is finally behind us," said Emanuel attorney Kevin Forde. He pointed to the high court's ruling that the law was long settled. "They make it clear the law has been settled for 150 years."

Burt Odelson, the lead attorney challenging Emanuel's candidacy, declined to comment.

Opponent Gery Chico issued a statement saying "Game on."

"Emanuel's residency drama has made this election into a circus instead of a serious debate about the future of Chicago," Chico said in a statement that argued he is the most qualified to lead the city. "With less than 30 days to go until Election Day, there is no time to waste. Game on."

Emanuel has enjoyed a wide lead over three other major candidates in two Tribune polls.

On Tuesday, the state Supreme Court put the appellate ruling on hold, restoring Emanuel temporarily to the ballot, and agreed to take the case. The justices did not want to hear arguments or receive new legal briefings from the attorneys on either side of the ballot dispute. Instead, they used the material the attorneys already filed at the appellate level.

About 300,000 ballots were printed Tuesday without Emanuel’s name on them until the Supreme Court weighed in with its order to keep Emanuel on the ballot at least temporarily. Those ballots were set aside and new ballots printed by the Chicago Board of Election Commissioner had Emanuel’s name on them.

Still, elections officials suggested that voters might want to wait a bit before casting an early ballot, given the uncertainty in the mayor’s race. Early voting runs Jan. 31 to Feb. 17.

CBO Director: Trillion-Dollar Deficits Risk 'Fiscal Crisis' in U.S.

It's been a story a day lately about these bean counters condemning obama's debt. Why do I doubt that it will make any difference. Up to this point, no one has been able to tell obama anything. He refuses to see the truth. He only sees what he wants to see and that doesn't include heis destruction of our Country...

From FoxNews

The top numbers cruncher for Congress warned Thursday that the federal government increasingly risks sending the country into a "fiscal crisis," projecting that unless cuts are made, within a decade the national debt could reach nearly 100 percent of all annual economic activity.

That's like having $50,000 in debt on a $50,000-a-year salary.

Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf, on the heels of a report pegging the 2011 budget deficit at a record $1.5 trillion, testified before the Senate Budget Committee on the risks of inaction. He said cumulative deficits over the next 10 years could run anywhere from $7 trillion to $12 trillion.

He warned that making budget cuts too deep, too fast could be "disruptive" to the economic recovery at a fragile time. But he said Congress will have to start balancing the budget soon if it wants to head off, or at least minimize, the chance of a national debt-driven fiscal calamity in the future.

"The longer that you wait to make those policy changes ... the greater the negative consequences (of the national debt) will be," he said.

Invoking recent economic crises in countries like Ireland and Greece, Elmendorf said waiting too long to curb spending and reduce the debt can have a host of consequences which all add up -- investors get nervous that the government can't finance its debt; the government loses the ability to respond to emergencies while interest rates eat up more and more of the budget pie; and taxes rise.

As is customary in congressional hearings about the nation's fiscal problems, Elmendorf rattled off a string of staggering numbers in his forecast of future budget shortfalls. He said that if nothing changes in the law, the federal deficit will add up to $7 trillion over the next decade, pushing the debt up to 77 percent of GDP. But he suggested that estimate "understates" the problem, given that lawmakers frequently extend policies, like tax cuts and higher Medicare payments to doctors, that would help balance the budget if they were allowed to expire.

If such short-term policies are extended, Elmendorf said, the deficit would reach nearly $12 trillion over the decade, pushing the debt to almost 100 percent of GDP.

The hearing comes after the Congressional Budget Office released a report that shows the nation's red ink running even deeper than previously thought.

"Spending as a share of our national income is at the highest level in 60 years. Revenue as a share of our national income is at its lowest level in 60 years. No wonder that we are headed for the largest deficit ever," said committee chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D.

The analysis showed the deficit hitting a record $1.5 trillion this year, charting a rise due in part to a lagging economic recovery coupled with the recently passed tax cut package.

The study also showed Social Security in a deficit this year. The entitlement program ran at a deficit in 2010 but had been expected to run in the black for a few more years before reverting back and permanently paying out more than it takes in. The latest estimate now shows Social Security consistently operating at a deficit through about 2037, when its reserves are expected to run out entirely.

President Obama touched on the need for deficit reduction in his State of the Union speech Tuesday. He called for a five-year freeze on non-mandatory domestic spending, a proposal he estimated would save $400 billion over the next decade. He called for action on reforming entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, without offering specifics.

But the $400 billion in proposed savings adds up to less than one-third of this year's projected deficit, and Republican congressional leaders roundly called on the administration to do more to address the nation's debt and deficit.

At the Budget Committee hearing, there was a bipartisan call for Congress to develop a spending-cut plan this year.

"We can't continue to put this off. We need to reach an agreement this year," Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said.

"The time for debate is over, and we must take action," said Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho.

Iranian Book Celebrating Suicide Bombers Found in Arizona Desert

This is just a guess, but I think if our border was secure we wouldn't be finding these items down there. Of course, janet napolitano and her gang don't have any evidence of terrorist cells operating along the Southern Border, but who says the radical thugs stayed in Arizona? They could be anywhere, planning, waiting.

Illegal aliens from mexico draining our welfare system, over crowding our school system and committing crimes against American citizens aren't the only reason we have to fear an unsecure border. Every year, thousands of thugs and criminals pour across our Southern Border from iraq, iran, yemen, pakistan and a host of other countries that consider us an enemy.

What is it going to take for our elected leaders to do the right thing and protect our Country from this scourge. Are we going to have to suffer another massive attack by these radical islamic thugs? Are the imagined votes these politicians covet more important than the lives of American Citizens?

By William La Jeunesse - FoxNews

A book celebrating suicide bombers has been found in the Arizona desert just north of the U.S.- Mexican border, authorities tell Fox News.

The book, "In Memory of Our Martyrs," was spotted Tuesday by a U.S. Border Patrol agent out of the Casa Grande substation who was patrolling a route known for smuggling illegal immigrants and drugs.

Published in Iran, it consists of short biographies of Islamic suicide bombers and other Islamic militants who died carrying out attacks.

According to internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection documents, "The book also includes letters from suicide attackers to their families, as well as some of their last wills and testaments." Each biographical page contains "the terrorist's name, date of death, and how they died."

Agents also say that the book appears to have been exposed to weather in the desert "for at least several days or weeks."

Authorities told Fox News that there were no people in the area at the time the book was found, and no arrests have been made in connection with it.

"At this time, DHS does not have any credible information on terrorist groups operating along the Southwest border," a Department of Homeland Security official said in a statement. "We work closely with our partners in the law enforcement and intelligence communities and as a matter of due diligence and law enforcement best practice, report anything found, no matter how significant or insignificant it may seem."

Statements from U.S. officials, including FBI director Robert Mueller, have raised serious concerns in recent years over "OTMs" -- or illegal immigrants other than Mexicans -- who have crossed the southwest border at alarming rates.

Mueller testified before the House Appropriations Committee in March 2005 that "there are individuals from countries with known Al Qaeda connections who are changing their Islamic surnames to Hispanic-sounding names and obtaining false Hispanic identities, learning to speak Spanish and pretending to be Hispanic."

Just last year, the Department of Homeland Security had in custody thousands of detainees from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. U.S. Border Patrol statistics indicate that there were 108,025 OTMs detained in 2006, compared to 165,178 in 2005 and 44,614 in 2004.

Authorities would not release a picture of the book to Fox News, or reveal how long they believe it was lying in the desert. Immigration officials have previously discovered items along the U.S.-Mexico border from Middle Eastern origin, including Iranian currency in Zapata, Texas, and a jacket found in Jim Hogg County, Texas, that was covered in patches including an Arabic military badge that illustrates an airplane flying into a tower.

Headerp solution the ERP consulting company

Majority of us don’t know about different fields that are existing and also we do not put much effort to know about those industries. It is not our mistake and it is due to the lack of awareness in those fields. In this article, we are going to discuss a field that is not new, but it is not known to people as like other fields. It is none other than HeadERP. Erp is an abbreviated term for enterprise resource planning and in general, a company has different systems such as back office, planning, distribution, manufacturing, shipping and accounting. The role of erp application is to integrate all these systems and functions into a single system and serve the needs of different departments within the enterprise. Most of us say it as software, but it more of methodology than software and incorporate several software applications into a single integrated interface.
This application software has the ability and capability to bring significant changes in the company business and it tinkers the work flow and alters the long standing process of business firms.  It brings tremendous advantage in the business and all the departments can easily share the information because in this application all systems are joined together. It reduces the need of carrying large inventories and speeds up the automation process by its automating process and workflow. With the help of single platform, the company can manage the wide range of company resources. HeadERP system use is based on the concept of all business functions and the business functions ultimate goal is to generate a return from the enterprise and in order to achieve the goal, the organization must have the efficient to produce goods and services that are eye caching to consumers and also in turn it should generate sales.
The last three lines mean that managing every component has to do with controlling some production costs, costs of raw materials, and even the expenditures that are incurred in collecting customer orders and delivering those products to customers in a timely manner. From this point of view, we can say that the effective ERP system not only has the capacity to assist in arranging the production process, but also to control each and every cost from the selection of raw materials to the mode of delivery of the finished product to the customer. You may be wondering why this guy is saying about the ERP instead of saying about the careers in erp. As I said above, some awareness is required in ERP and its benefits so for the purpose of awareness, I mentioned those details.
 From the above lines you would have come into a conclusion about the erp scope and its benefits. So when you search for a career in Erp industries, it is damn sure that you will get the job soon with good salary and benefits because many organization need people who are well verse in this application. So there are lots of scopes available in this field and try to utilize the chance. Outsourcing and consulting companies like Headerp solution pvt ltd provide Erp recruitment in different industries and also they act as a best sap consultant.

In chennai, many outsourcing companies are there and headerp solution pvt ltd is one of the best outsourcing and consulting company and provides good services in different fields. HeadERP Solutions pvt Ltd

Headerp soultions pvt ltd

HeadERP  provides Outsourcing to various companies and also allows companies to focus on other business issues while having the details taken care of our experts. Outsourcing work is often streamlined and it needs world class capabilities and access to new technology and outsourcing is a cost-effective way to start building foundations in other countries. We are one of the leading outsourcing companies and provide implementation and customization services for leading ERP application like SAP, Oracle Application, BaaN and PeopleSoft. HeadERP has talented and dedicated professionals who can implement the client’s software assignment in an effective way.

Many companies have highly benefited with us by our outsourcing work. We accurately assess their needs and we are the concern specialized in services like offshore software development, IT enabled services, Business process and embedded technologies Headerp soultions pvt ltd . “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision and it this is what we do in our organization. We work as a team and achieve the objectives of your goal in a easy way, but with quality in work.