Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union...

Tonight is obama's second State of the Union address. I won't be watching it. If I did, it could turn out to be an expensive evening for me because it wouldn't take much of the arrogance of obama to make me throw something through the TV screen.

From what I read today he will be talking out of both sides of his mouth. One side will be saying he wants a five year freeze on spending and the other side will say he wants to spend a bunch more money. Of course, he will call it investment or some other term the liberals use for stealing our tax dollars for their own pet projects. But the spending freeze is almost a good idea. Why doesn't he go with the Republican plan and roll back the spending to 2008 (or even before) levels. You can bet there will be a whole lot of "let me be clears" and "I will not rests" thrown in for good measure.

I said before that the idea of the democrats and the Republicans sitting together is a dumbass idea, and I'm sticking by that. The only reason for it is to minimize the effect of half of the house staying seated during the obama love fest ovations. Other than him announcing that he is resigning, I can't think of a single thing he would say that I would stand up and cheer about.

I do plan to watch the response to obama. I'm a little concerned that there will be two different responses, a Republican and a Tea Party. The two are not totally different teams in my opinion. I think there are some people on the Republican team that should just pack up and move to the democrat side, but the real Republicans and the Tea Party people need to join forces and accomplish some measurable goals very soon. 2012 isn't that far away and these people are going to be held accountable. For the sake of our Country these people need to get on the same page. They need to stop trying to make deals with obama and his gang of thugs. The Tea Party people and the Republicans don't have near as much experience with shady dealings as obama and they are going to get screwed every time they attempt to "compromise". When they get screwed, our Country loses. I'm tired of losing...

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