Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Was It Something I Said (Wrote)?

It seems T.L. Davis had a not so nice meeting with an irs agent today. He isn't sure why they have decided to harrass him over an issue that has been cleared up for some time. They wouldn't be trying to intimidate him would they? I mean, that sounds like something out of the Hitler play book. But then, we are talking about the most corrupt administration in the history of our Country. Go over to TL in Exile and check out the whole story, and if you speak your mind on a regular basis in public, watch your back.

I just had an intimidation meeting with my local IRS agent. He is looking to put me in jail for failure to pay Social Security Taxes for the past two years totaling some $20,000 over the period of 2008-2010. I wondered why the Social Security Administration continued to hit the Guardians of Liberty website so long after all of the other Feds had left, now I know why. 
If you have a blog, and you aren't checking regularly who your visitors are, you should. It might amaze you who all is checking you out.
No, I am not spooked and I don't scare easily, but I thought the readers of this blog ought to know and maybe turn some things over in their minds. Is this because of the siege that is ongoing in DC, or does it have something to do with the article in American Thinker?
T.L., we appreciate the heads up and wish you the very best of luck while dealing with these blood sucking vampires.

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