Tuesday, May 25, 2010

obama takes a second vacation during oil spill...

So obama has decided to take another vacation during a national disaster. He is headed to chicago for the Memorial Day weekend. obama was just in Asheville, North Carolina at the end of April.

While millions of gallons of oil continue to flow into the Gulf, and while millions of gallons already spilled begin to wash up on the shores of the southern States, obama goes on vacation... again.

He has been bothered into visiting the Gulf Coast on Friday.

obama will skip the Arlington National Cemetary wreath laying ceremonies on Monday.  obama will make it back to washington in time to honor Paul McCartney at the white house on June 2nd.

This is a guy who has his priorities all messed up. At least the priorities he should have as president of The United States. He, of course, has his priorities perfectly in line to accomplish his radical, socialist agenda.

I have never in my life seen a president treat our Military with such disrespect. He has no regard for the traditions associated with our fallen heroes. He has no regard for the men and women currently protecting our freedoms in foreign countries. He has no regard or respect for the intelligence men and women who work hard every day to keep our Country safe. He doesn't even have any respect for the men and women who act as his personal security team, The Secret Service.

How can a man with no regard for our Country call himself commander in chief? He is a disgrace to the office and to this Country. He continues to weaken our defenses and lessen our standing in the eyes of the world community. He never should have been elected, but since he was, he should be fired immediatley and probably prosecuted.

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