Sunday, July 11, 2010

Holder Floats Possibility of Racial Profiling Suit Against Arizona

eric holder is a dumbass and so is his boss. The justice department only filed this law suit because obama told them to. When was the last time the justice department was directed by the president to take legal action? Since there is no actual legal reason for the feds to file this lawsuit, it must be politically motivated.

What reasons can obama possibly have for politically attacking Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona? First off, in my opinion, he is pissed off that Arizona defied him. After all he is the supreme leader of planet earth. Jan Brewer decided to do what she had to do to provide protection for the citizens of her State.

Second, obama will now use the entire situation for political gain with his base. He has lied, his entire administration has lied and obama's media bitches have lied. They have all convinced the 30% of the Country that Arizona's law is bad, it will cause racial profiling, people won't be safe to travel the streets. It's all lies. But now that he and eric holder are fighting the nasty new law, they can appear as heroes to the mindless 30% who fell for their bullshit in the first place.

What a mess. obama and his entire gang of thugs need to be locked up...

From FoxNews

Attorney General Eric Holder, just days after filing a federal lawsuit against Arizona's immigration law, on Sunday floated the possibility of filing another suit on racial profiling grounds.

The lawsuit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Arizona claimed the state was infringing on federal immigration responsibilities and urged the judge to prevent the law from going into effect at the end of July. Despite some officials' claims that the law could lead to racial profiling, that concern was not cited as grounds for the suit.

However, Holder said on CBS' "Face the Nation" that the federal government was leading with its "strongest" argument in the suit filed Tuesday and would not rule out a second suit months down the road -- if the law ends up going into effect.

"It doesn't mean that if the law for whatever reason happened to go into effect, that six months from now, a year from now, we might not look at the impact the law has had ... and see whether or not there has been that racial profiling impact," Holder said. "If that was the case, we would have the tools and we would bring suit on that basis."

Holder, reacting to the firestorm of criticism from Republicans and border-state lawmakers, said the Justice Department decided to file the suit because Arizona's immigration law is "inconsistent" with federal policy and the U.S. Constitution. He said there's nothing to stop local jurisdictions and states from helping the government enforce immigration law, but described Arizona's law as contradictory to what the federal government is trying to accomplish.

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