Sunday, July 11, 2010

Obama hits golf course...

I will not rest... until I get done with this golf game. What a jackass. The Country is falling apart, because of him, and he goes on vacation or plays golf about every three days. Maybe he should just stay on the golf course 24/7, when he is there he isn't fucking up our Country.

By Bridget Johnson  - The Hill

President Barack Obama spent Sunday on the golf course at Fort Belvoir, Va., according to White House pool reports.

The president was playing with regular links partner Marvin Nicholson and two others whose names weren't immediately known.

First lady Michelle Obama is set to visit the Gulf region Monday for the first time since the BP oil spill began. BP began a new containment procedure Saturday that the company's hopes will provide a tighter seal around the well leak, but in the meantime oil is flowing freely into the Gulf once again.

The first lady will visit Panama City, Fla., to get an update on the impact of the Deepwater Horizon spill and to speak to members of the local community.

On Monday, Obama will host President Leonel Fernandez of the Dominican Republic at the White House for a working meeting.

Here are some of the comments from this story...

Truly he is not resting until the crisis in the Gulf is settled.

He's on the golf course again, huh, instead of addressing jobs and the oil spill, sending his inept wife to do his job. I'm getting "teed off" with this guy, pun intended. He is definitely "off course" as far as this country goes. What is it going to take to oust him from office? Millions of us are clamoring day and night for his removal. This is too surreal.

The country is too tough for Obama to lead. I mean—-overwhelming! When the goin gets tough, make another trek out to the golf course for the umpteenth time and forget about your troubles. Maybe they will all go away for ya.

Obama is easily the WORST President this country has ever had.

Doesn't this guy understand what it looks like to voters when he is on the golf course every few days with all the issues the government is facing? His campaign was focused on making him look presidential. Now he looks like an elitist who is aloof to the issues impacting Americans. Another item that should be used against his re-election in 2012. GOP just needs to put an add out there showing the number of times he played golf while all these crisis are out there. Then show his comments about "not resting until is resolved"

Would someone please tell the VACTIONER IN CHIEF that we have major issues that need addressed right NOW like JOBS, BORDER SECURITY, THE GULD OIL CRISIS, AND THE MIDDLE EAST !!

He had to go golfing this weekend, because next weekend he's vacationing in Maine and then he has to hit the campaign trail for some of his buddies. Really people, cut him some slack. He's all over the gulf problem, and the jobs issue when he's not completely villainizing all businesses and republicans (thank goodness he's "good" at bringing people together); we just sadly, can't see it. Skip the campaigning for your demo buddies, save the taxpayers some money on your 3 hr flights for 9 minutes of the same empty promise speech; and spend some time with your family they are more important. The family togetherness is really the only thing positive I can say about his presidential work to-date.

If people had jobs , didn't have to worry about national security and race riots they wouldn't care what he did on the weekends. I slept better during the bush years.

Why is everyone so upset ? Obama needs some rest and relaxation playing golf. After takes a lot of hard work to destroy the country.

Hopefully, Present Ă˜bama will be impeached before the end of his term, then he can play all the gulf he wants.

And it goes on and on for another several pages. When are we going to demand this guy be sent down the road? Are we going to wait for the total destruction of our Country?

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